Thursday, February 11, 2010

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Assignment : From news article or internet information, find an example of an organization that is installing an ERP package.

Is the latest IT planning tool to business. It is an integrated computer-based system used to manage internal and external resources of an organization through information between the organization and the external stakeholders.
ERP package has to be implemented systematically rather on big-bang theory. This constitutes phases to be executed to have better result. Successful implementation of ERP package usually requires 1.5 to 2 years.

1. Detailed Discussion Phase
Tasks: Project initialization, Evaluation of current processes and business practices
Deliverables: Accepted norms and Conditions, Project Organization chart, Identity work teams

2. Design and Customization Phase
Tasks: Map organization and business process, Define functions and processes, ERP software configuration and Build ERP system modifications
Deliverables: Organization structure, Design specification, Process Flow Diagrams, Function Model, Configuration recording and system modification

3. Implementation PhaseTasks: Create go-live plan and documentation, Integrate applications, Test the ERP customization, Train users
Deliverables:Testing environment report, Customization Test Report and Implementation report

4. Production Phase

Tasks:  Run Trial Production, Maintain Systems
Deliverables such as: Reconciliation reports and Conversion Plan Execution

Some ERP Packages

• Microsoft - Microsoft Great Plains version 7.5 
• Oracle - Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.9
• PeopleSoft - PeopleSoft Enterprise 8.8 and 8.9, EnterpriseOne 8.11
• Sap- SAP mySAP Business Suite R/3 4.6 and SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7• Siebel- Siebel 7.5 and Siebel 7.7

An Assessment of USEP Enrollment System

Assignment :You were tasked by the IC-dean to evaluate the enrollment system of the university, list and briefly describe the characteristics that an analyst (you) examines when choosing or defining deployment environment.

Enrollment Process of University of Southeastern Philippines
The university’s enrollment process includes advisement, registration and payment of fees. Each college prescribes a set of requirements in the different course offered by them provided that is duly approved by the university president.

For freshmen, they are to present the requirements such as the HS grades, USEPAT exam results (passed), Admission Slips through passing the interview, medical certificate, among others. For upper classmen, they are to present the clearance duly signed by the different authorities and the Student Handbook or College Passbook with Scholastic Record duly signed by subject teachers. There are also requirements for the transferees such as the 2.0 grades, Copy of the Transcript of Records, Certificate of the Eligibility to Transfer, Certificate of Good Moral Character from the former school, Medical Certificate among others. For cross enrollees, written permit from his dean or the registrar is required. For former students, Official Transcript of Records and clearance required. For foreign students, they are required to comply with the academic standards and evaluation of CHED.

The university has its own enrolment system. From my own observations, some university residents, be it a staff, faculty and especially the students, are not satisfied with the said system. They have complaints such as the long line and the time wasted or consumed in complying just a single requirement. It is not that effective compared to the other university who could cater hundreds of enrollees by just a day. Because if it is, a student be enrolled in a day without that hassle and hypertension feelings. Sometimes, developers of the system think that they already did the things required in their system. Only that they find out that their clients are not that satisfied. The success of the system also depends upon the environment on which it is being deployed.

Thus, here is the brief list and description of the characteristics we have to examine when choosing or defining the deployment environment of the system.
• Fully Assessed business requirements
It is important to assess the business requirements of the organization in which the system is to be deployed. Assessing business requirements involved the assessment of business models and their integration with technology. Business analysis involves the analysis if the business needs, policies and market business approaches, modeling and the interpretation of business rules and requirements for technical systems (generally IT)

Within the systems development life cycle domain (SDLC), the business analyst basically performs as a bridge person of the business side of an enterprise and the providers of services to the enterprise. A Common alternative role in the IT sector is business analyst, systems analyst, and functional analyst, although some organizations may differentiate between these titles and corresponding responsibilities.

• Identified available resources
It is equally important to identify the resources available in developing the system. It is in the form of software, hardware, peopleware, time plan, costs, etc. It may also mean the physical components of a computer system, in the form of computer hardware. Software includes all the various forms and roles that digitally stored data may have and play in a computer (or similar system), regardless of whether the data is used as code for a CPU, or other interpreter, or whether it represents other kinds of information. Peopleware can refer to anything that has to do with the role of people in the development or use of computer software and hardware systems, including such issues as developer productivity, teamwork, group dynamics, the psychology of programming, project management, organizational factors, human interface design, and human-machine-interaction. Time is part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects. In business, retail, and accounting, a cost is the value of money that has been used up to produce something, and hence is not available for use anymore.

In one of my researches, I found out that deployment environment does not only talk about the physical environment such as the university itself along with its residents. It has something to do with the development and deployment phase; not just the actual implementation. But unfortunately, I can’t define the exact meaning.
To define the Deployment Environment is just one of the steps in the Software development. Its characteristics include the specifications of the important information about the deployment environment. It includes database, match engine, and standardization engine vendors.


Data Flow Diagram

Data flow diagram is a description of the data with respect to the processes performed in a system

1. Process symbol has got the following entities, process number (tells the number of the process), locality (where activity is happening) and a process name.
• Must represent transformation of data
• Must have data flows into/out the process
• Process with no out is said to be null

2. Data store Symbol comprises the data store number and name of data store. Rules of

• The symbol and the numbering remain the same

3. Data flow symbol signifies the movement of data.
• Double arrows indicates that activities occurs simultaneously
• Data flow in is not equal to data flow out

Extended entity symbol shows sources and destination of data.
• External entity never communicate with each other
• External entity should not communicate directly with data store

In order to produce a quality dfd, it is important to analyze the data flow of the system. Data analysis comprises of four main questions the analyst ought to answer:

• What processes make up a system?
• What data are used in each process?
• What data are stored?
• What data enter and leave the system?

Data flow analysis tracks the flow of data through business processes and determines how organization objectives are met. It studies the use of data in each activity and documents the findings in data flow diagrams, graphically showing the relation between processes and data.

There are two types of data flow diagrams, namely physical data flow diagrams and logical data flow diagrams and it is important to distinguish clearly between the two:

Physical DFD
Using PDFD is desirable for analysts for the following reasons:

1. It is easier to describe the interaction between physical components than to understand the policies used to manage the application. Identifying people, what they do, which documents and forms trigger which activities and what equipment is used in the processing. The movement of people, documents and information between departments and locations is also identified.

2. Physical data flow diagrams are useful for communicating with users. Users relate easily to people, locations and documents as they work with these each day. Users may consider logical DFDs abstract as they do not contain these familiar components, however, with physical DFDs users can quickly identify incorrect or missing steps.

3. Physical DFDs provide a way to validate or verify the user's current view of the system with the way it is actually operating. If there are differences, they will be noted and discussed. It is not unusual to find that what a users thinks is happening differs in an important way from what actually occurs.

Steps in Developing a Physical DFD:
(using a top-down approach)
1. Make "a context level DFD" or Level 0. It illustrates the "interaction" (data flows) between "the system" (represented by one process) and "the system environment" (represented by terminators).
2. Have a system "decomposed in lower-level DFD (Level 1)" into a set of "processes, data stores, and the data flows between these processes and data stores".
3. Each process is then decomposed into an "even-lower-level diagram containing its subprocesses".
4. This approach "then continues on the subsequent subprocesses", until a necessary and sufficient level of detail is reached which is called the primitive process (aka chewable in one bite).

Steps in Developing a Logical DFD:
1. Develop a physical dfd
2. Explore the process
3. Maintain consistency between the process
4. Following meaningful leveling convention
5. Ensure that dfd diagrams clarifies what is happening in the system
6. Remember dfd audience
7. Add control on the lower level dfd only
8. Assign meaningful level
9. Evaluate dfd for correctness


• Data flow output must be based on data input to the process.
• Data flows must have names; the name reflects that data flowing between processes, data stores, sources and sinks(destination).
• Input to the process are the only data needed to perform certain
• Process should be independent from other process in the system
• Process should depend only on its own input and output.
• Processes are always running; they do not start or stop.
• Output from processes can take one of several forms:

a) Input data flow with information added by the
b) A response or change of data form
c) Change of status
d) Change of content
e) Change in organization

Deriving the Logical View from Physical DFD

Physical DFDs are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. They are drawn to describe an implementation of the existing system for two reasons:

•To guarantee a correct understanding of the current implementation (users are generally better able to discuss the physical system as they know it through people, workstations and days of the week.)

•The implementation itself may be a problem or limiting factor; changing the implementation, rather than the system concept may provide the desired results.

A logical view steps back from the actual implementation and provides a basis for examining the combination of processes, data flows, data stores, inputs and outputs without concern for the physical devices, people or control issues that characterise the implementation.


•Show actual data needed in a process, not the documents that contain them.
•Remove routing information; that is, show the flow between procedures, not between people, offices or locations.
•Remove references to physical devices.
•Remove references to control information
•Consolidate redundant data stores.
•Remove unnecessary processes, such as those that do not change the data or data flows.
• Maintain Consistency between Processes

When developing DFDs in more detail it is important to maintain consistency between levels. Consistency means reliability and reliability in dfd is significant in developing a system. IN other words, consistency is one of the feature-factors that can affect the success of the system through the dfd.No new inputs or outputs to a process should be introduced at a lower level that was not identified at a higher level. However, within a process, new data flows and data stores may be identified.

• Follow Meaningful Levelling Conventions

Levelling refers to the handling of local files (those that are used within a process). The details that pertain only to a single process on a particular level should be held within the process. Data stores and data flows that are relevant only to the inside of a process are concealed until that process is exploded into greater detail.

• Add Control on Lower-Level Diagrams Only

The logical data flow diagrams developed to this point do not include control information. No mention has been made of how to handle errors or exceptions. Although this information is necessary in the final analysis, it should not be a concern while identifying the overall data flow. The secondary diagrams (below second or third level) show error and exception handling in the process being exploded.

Some physical control information is unnecessary in logical DFDs. Copy numbers or annotations for documents (e.g. Copy 1, Copy 2, Shipping copy or Accounting copy), procedural orders (e.g. Find the record; Review the record; Annotate the record), or day-of-the-week triggers (e.g. Do on Monday; Do the last day of the month) do not belong with the logical and data aspects of requirements determination. The important elements for understanding a process during logical data flow analysis are not document copy numbers but descriptions of the data needed to perform the process.

Evaluating Data Flow Diagrams for Correctness

A quality DFD should consider correctness as its primary characteristic. Correct DFD indicates that the analyst understand the data flows in the business processes of its clients. Understanding between the clients and the developer is the key factor in producing a good system. And developing a good system starts from its developing particularly in creating diagrams such as the DFD.

It is essential to evaluate all DFDs carefully to determine if they are correct. Errors, omissions and inconsistencies can occur for several reasons, including mistakes in drawing the diagrams. But the presence of what appears to be an error may in fact point out a deficiency in the system or a situation in which users are not aware of how certain processes operate.

These questions are useful in evaluating data flow diagrams:

• Are there any unnamed components in the data flow diagram (data flows, processes, stores, inputs or outputs)?

• Are there any data stores that are input but never referenced?

• Are there any processes that do not receive input?

• Are there any processes that do not produce output?

• Are there any processes that serve multiple purposes? If so, simplify by exploding them into multiple processes that can be better studied).

• Are there data stores that are never referenced?

• Is the inflow of data adequate to perform the process?

• Is there excessive storage of data in a data store (more than the necessary details)?

• Is the inflow of data into a process too much for the output that is produced?

• Are aliases introduced in the system description?

• Is each process independent of other processes and dependent only on the data it receives as input?


DFD of USEP Pre-enrollment System

on USeP Pre-enrollment system

Context DFD: The emphasis is on the relationship between the system and its environment the system as a whole is represented by a bubble, and the external entities are shown as squares from which input flows and to which output is directed. No information about the structure of the system itself is pictured in a context DFD.Diagram 0: A diagram 0 is a diagram showing the system itself. It pictures the major processes along with the external entities, data stores and data flow. It is a single ,top-level diagram of the system, and does not describe each process in detail. Parts of the diagram can be expended or exploded using more detail sub diagrams.Detailed DFD: Detailed DFD are explosions of higher level presentations and are detailed pictures of major processes or subsystems. They are likely to be used by designers in their own work rather than for presentations to users or managers. If more detail is needed each of the processes can be further exploded using a still more detail diagram. For example if we wish to expand the "Check Class counts" process, we would construct a diagram called detail DFD.References: blog:


Information is everywhere and everyone uses it. Manipulating information with the use of the technology is widely emerging. It includes the use of computers, software, hardware, and even people ware for storing, protecting, processing, transmitting, retrieving information. Thus, creating the notion of Information technology in which name means itself.

The only constant thing in the world is nothing but change. In the new millennium, the rapid change in Information technology became apparent that almost all of the aspects in life are affected; even education. Organizations cope up with these changes which are said to be of competitive edge. Organizations including the universities use Information Technology to perform their business processes effectively and efficiently.

Universities such as the University of Southeastern Philippines use Information Technology as an instrument in achieving their goals. The university envisioned itself to be a premier university in the ASEAN Region. Furthermore, it has a mission to provide world-class quality graduates thro8ugh quality education ans sustainalble resource managemet. to the deserving students and to provide them with competencies in Science and Technology, Entrepreneurial and leadership abilities and so on. Additionally, the university has program mandates which include promoting professional training in the medicine, fisheries, engineering and industrial fields; advanced studies, research and extension services for the socio-economic development of Mindanao; courses and specialization that responds to the needs in the academe; non-formal education for the development; and scholarship and part-time job opportunities for the deserving students.

In line with the university’s aim, the school partnered with various agencies which and rendered services that ensures development. International agencies include: Knowledge for Development Center (with World Bank); Philippine-Australia Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao ith the Australian Agency for International Development);
Institute of Languages (with Sung-Duk College, South Korea); Pamulaan Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Education (with Assisi Development Foundation); Philippine-Australia Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao; (with the Australian Agency for International Development); for Pre-Service Education; Southeast Asian Ministries of Education Organization Regional Center for Vocational and Technical Education and
Training in Brunei Darussalam (with SEAMEO-VOCTECH); Resources for the Blind, Inc. (with Christoffel-Blinden Mission of Germany) ; Confucius Institute (with the Republic of China); Human Resource Development in Teacher Education and Languages (with the Australian Government, under PAHRDF) among others.

Also, to maintain the quality education the university is boosting for, USeP is offering various services and is using different systems. Systems and management scheme includes Dynamic Administration and Management System; Highly Motivated and Competent University Faculty; Ladderized System of Education; to provide wider access to higher education; Equivalency Program and Accreditation Schemes; Pamulaan Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Education and Mindanao e-Learning Space (MiSpace) so on and so forth.

Also, the university provides its residents with different facilities such as the Speech Laboratories ; Dormitory/Training Center ; Social Hall ; Conference Rooms ; Computer Center ; Sports Facilities ; Virtual Library ; Tissue Culture Laboratories; Mindanao eLearning Space; WB Knowledge for Development Center ; Physical and Natural Science Laboratories ; SWEEP Wireless Laboratory ; Science and Technology Learning Resource Center ; Crop and Animal Production Projects ; Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services; Administration (PAGASA) Station; Affiliated Non-conventional Energy Center; College of Education Training and Review Center; Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency an Accreditation Program; Institute of Languages; WB-Knowledge for Development Center; Lifelong Study Center; Mindanao Center for Policy Studies; Mindanao Center for Technical Education & Staff Development; Mindanao e-Learning Space; Pamulaan Center for Indigenous Peoples Education; Regional Center for Human Rights Education; Regional Trades and Crafts Training and Production Center; Teacher Training Center-Mindanao and Zonal Computerization Center.

As mentioned above, it is very evident that the university uses the application of Information Technology in its operations. The university not only offers programs related to Information Technology but also employs IT in the other programs and services. It also partnered with the IT-reliant organizations to undertake development.

Assuming I have with me the crystal ball and I would have to foresee on what USeP shall be three years from now (that would be along 2013), I have to identify three IT changes in IT which has significant impact on the school services of the university. These changes include system integration, improved enrollment system and organizational plan that adopts to the fast changing IT environment.

According to Morton, IT may consist of five basic components - computers, communications technology, work stations, robotics, and computer chips. It may also mean devices that transmit, manipulate, analyze, or exploit information; in which a digital computer processes information integral to the user's communication or decision task; and that have made their appearance since 1970 or exist in a form that aids in communication or decision tasks to a significantly greater degree than did pre-1971 forms,” as defined by Huber.

According to Edward J. Bride in his Transitions - changes to Information Technology Association of America, Information Technology not only talks of the software, network services, and systems integration and consulting, it also includes the entire IT environment.

According to Malhotra, Yogesh in his Role of Information Technology in Managing Organizational Change and Organizational Interdependence, organizational changes are in line with the changes in Information technology. The growth of the organization depends on the effective usage of IT. Thus, organizational environment and the information preferences creates symbiotic relationship.

As Norbert Wiener quoted “, we modified our environment so radically that we must modify ourselves in order to exist in this new environment. “

IT changes in USeP include:

1.) Integrated systems utilization

Faculties and students in the university with certain initiatives powered by motivations are able to create information systems which have different goals. These systems if successfully deployed will be of great help in the services of the university. The university integrated system also known as the “uniisys” encompasses several batches of system which include: Ebenta which is an online bidding system for the students to engage in E-Commerce activity; Edikit, an An online publication system; Upahibalo, an organizational information system; Iskolar which is a scholarship information system Alumnay sa USeP, a university alumni information system, Shareit, an online file sharing social site; Etudlo, an online tutorial service provider; Escheduler, and scheduling information system among others.

I believe these are few of the changes that could happen in the university which has a great impact on the operations of the university. Systems are created to bring benefit to the residents such as the students, faculty and staff.

The university strives for more developed systems which bring forth more productive operations. And because of this, students are still initiating and developing for the possible systems that could be integrated on the said system. Also, staff is making other systems, although not for the intent of integrating the uniisys, but for the development of the other operations’ concerns.

For years of the systems integration and development, it is possible to look at the university utilizing the systems developed by the students.

2.) Improved enrollment system

Although the university already has its own enrollment system which for years have been developed, involved parties seem not really satisfied. With this, I consider the improvement of the said system to take place in the next three years. With the goal of minimizing the cost and time spent among the students, faculty and staff, the enrollment system is expected to be developed in a way that it is being efficiently utilized.

3.) Organizational structure

According to (Malone and Crowston, the increasing speed pace of change require more flexible and adaptive organizations. Rockart and Short cites the ballooning need for the interdependence of organizational structure to IT in managing competitive pressures that included globalization, time-based competition, increased market risk, and a greater emphasis on customer service and cost reduction. Bennis states that "the organization's response to the environment will continue to be the crucial determinant for its effectiveness."

As organizations use information, effective usage of Information Technology likely results to the organizations development and growth.

It is apparent that IT has great impact in the university, and whatever changes in IT has the university as an IT-reliant organization has to go with the changes in order not to be behind. As Keen (1991) noted that IT increasingly and continuously affects the organizations operations as well as its behavior including issues as on how the organization organize, transact business, and contend with other organization.


Malhotra, Yogesh. (1993). Role of Information Technology in Managing Organizational Change and Organizational Interdependence [WWW document]. URL

Bride,Edward J. (1991). Transitions - changes to Information Technology Association of America. URL

Class Diagram and Use Case of USEP Pre-enrollment System

DESCRIPTION OF USE CASEActors: FreshmenCashierUGTOCollege deanInterviewerClinicUse cases:**Based on the use case diagram ofUSeP pre-enrollment system as required in Assignment 7Pass USEPATPass interviewPass English plusPass English bridgeSecure Medical certificateSecure other requirementsACTIVITY DIAGRAMActor: FreshmenUse case: Pass USEPATDescription: Prospective student have to take the USEP Admission Test and must pass itMain flow:• Pay USEPAT fee• Secure Admission form• Schedule examination day• Take examination• Get results• Consider failure• Secure resultsPossible variations and error conditions:• If results failed
Actor: FreshmenUse case: Pass InterviewDescription: After passing the exam, prospectivestudent have to undergo by an in-charged interviewer ofthe respective college he would like to be admittedMain flow:• Submit high school grades• Submit USEPAT results• Undergo an interview• Get results• Consider failure• Secure resultsPossible variations and error conditions:• If results failedActor: FreshmenUse case: Pass English plus examDescription: After passing the interview,prospective student have to take another examination to test English languagecompetency and he must pass itMain flow:• Schedule examination day• Take examination• Get results• Take English Bridge Program• Secure resultsPossible variations and error conditions:• If results failedActor: FreshmenUse case: Pass English Bridge programDescription: If the prospective student failedthe English Plus examination, he has to enroll the English Bridge Program and must pass itMain flow:• Enroll EBP• Pay enrollment fees• Pay EBP module• Undergo EBP• Get results• Consider failure• Secure resultsPossible variations and error conditions:• If results failedActor: FreshmenUse case: Secure Medical certificateDescription: The prospective student after passing series of examinations and interviews,he is then required to secure medical certificateby the university clinic personnel provided thathe must undergo physical examination firstMain flow:• Go to USeP Clinic• Undergo physical examination• Get certificateActor: FreshmenUse case: Secure other requirementsDescription: Aside from complying the mainrequirements,it is also important to complythe other requirementsMain flow:• Present NSO authenticated birth certificate• Present 2”x2” valid ID• Present brown envelopeActor: UGTOUse case: Evaluate USEPAT paperDescription: University guidnace and Testing Office is responsible for detailing the students the flowupon Entrance examinationsMain flow:• Receive requirements• Schedule exams• Take charge of examination• Evaluate the paper• Issue results
Actor: CashierUse case: Issue receiptsDescription: the university cashier is responsiblefor the payment transactions with the student.After issuing the bills, he then receives the payments, record it and then issue a receiptMain flow:• Receive payments• Encode and save the details• Disburse receiptPossible variations and error conditions:• If results received no payments
Actor: InterviewerUse case: Interview studentDescription: Each college assigned interviewers have to interview the prospective student which is one ofthe bases of giving assessmentsMain flow:• Receive requirements• Interview students• Issue results
Actor: College deanUse case: Evaluate studentDescription: Each college of the university will haveits own set of standards. The dean is responsible forevaluating the student if he passed the standardsMain flow:• Receive requirements• Evaluate students• Issue resultsActor: ClinicUse case: Secure medical recordsDescription: One of the requirements of the universityis for the students to undergo medical examinationthrough the USEP clinic which means that he also hasto provide medical certificateMain flow:• Schedule physical exam• Examine students• Keep medical records• Issue medical certificate

Friday, February 5, 2010

Activity Diagram of USEP Pre-enrollment System



The use case diagram as shown in the figure above describes the pre-enrollment system of the University of Southeastern Philippines. Moreover, the diagram shows the primary actor which is the prospective student of the university. In order to be admitted, the student must comply with the requirement which includes the passing the USEP Admission Test (USePAT) which is conducted by the University Guidance Office (UGTO). If the student passed in the exam, he is required to pass the English Plus exam, otherwise, he has to undergo English Summer Bridge Program. I he passed the exam provided by the program, secure the other requirements such as the medical certificate provided by the USEP Clinic, passing the interview, high school grades especially in English, Math and Science which complies with the required grades in the chosen college and program, 85% for Baccalaureate Degree Programs and 83% for Diploma / Certificate / Associate Programs, birth certificate, 2”x2” passport pictures. After the requirements are secured, the forthcoming student is then admitted to the university but he is not yet officially enrolled unless he undergo USEP enrollment process and have the COR duly signed by the registrar as Officially Enrolled.